We are in our last nine weeks, the last stretch, rounding the last turn before the finish line. Mr. Gary Pollard was my administrator years ago and he would tell me, "Mr. Bowen, we have to be ready going into the last of the year because the last day of school will come and the year will be over weather we are ready or not". He was right, the last day (May 18th) will come. We work hard to be ready everyday but especially toward the end of the school year. It's important to me we finish strong.
This school year has been different than any other in my 39 year career in education. Many things happened this year, decisions made that I never had to make before,,, and I hope I never have to make again. As parents, students, and educators we will look back on this year and we will remember it. I hope we remember it because no other year was like this one, or because it was the only year of Covid. I pray we don't remember this year because it was the first year of many to come just like it.
Thank you to all the parents and Clayton residents for allowing us to do a job we love. Clayton has great kids which means Clayton has great parents. We are blessed. If you ever need to contact me please call 918-569-4492 or email me at kbowen@clayton.k12.ok.us.